A Self healing journey to freedom, Envisioning a world where everyone thrives.
Posted on June 3, 2019 at 11:05 AM
Hi there,
My name is Kyung, I’m a healer & coach and I’ve been helping courageous individuals restore their inner light, divine spark since 2009. I am the creator of holistic healing meditation program and also the author of 7 holistic practices for harmonious living, a self healing journey to freedom. My intention today is to share with you my findings on this journey so far.
You may be wondering, Freedom from what? I mean Freedom from anything that is keeping me from being and feeling my best in this moment and doing my best trusting that all is well and that all my needs will be met today, and my desires, if not today, tomorrow or someday in the future but most importantly trusting that we are all dearly loved as we do so for one another. And any discomfort we may be feeling right now will pass when we work on healing it.
In my self healing journey, I found that practice of yoga, meditation, taichi/gi-gong, dance and martial arts are all very good in that besides being fun, they helped me to create space in my body & mind, becoming aware of my thoughts and emotions in my state of being so that I can discern the right action to take at any given moment, so that I can be in touch with my intuition, my inner guidance.
I also found that the way I see (or perceive) this world proceeded all that followed in my life experience, so the idea of 'Envisioning a world where everyone thrives' was born.
And now, you may be wondering, everyone thriving? Yes, I mean, we can imagine and envision everyone being alive and doing the best one can or being the best one can be and that may be very different from one person to the next.
As divine sparks, no matter what condition we are in human form, we are divine light beings of love; pure love, pure joy & pure peace, way beyond this physical form, but at the same time, we exist in duality on earth; in light & dark, good and evil, masculine & feminine, rich & poor, sickness & wellness, love & hate, inside and outside, and we may notice how unique each and every one of us is in this human form, each with unique talents or gifts, and each one facing unique challenges, yet we all experience this reality through our physical senses in the same way by seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, touching and feeling. We each have unique likes & dislikes and tend to gravitate towards like minded people, towards those who support our views, and turn away from those who do not. And, we feel good when others agree & support our views but not so good when they do not. When this happens we are identifying ourselves with being in this limited human form and the thoughts & emotions that arise from being attached to all that we are by being human, by our needs & desires.
So in my healing journey, rising beyond good & evil meant, first accepting all that is as is, including myself and everyone around me, as I am and as they are, thereby healing all that is not at ease within myself at any given moment. This has helped me in discerning that which I can and cannot control, so that I can choose to focus my attention on that which I can control. Whenever I find myself unable to do so, I embrace myself, embracing duality that is within myself, to heal and let go.
And as I did so, I realized that the reality I was experiencing was my own creation and that I had the power to control my life experiences, that I could rise beyond duality that is within me, and awaken myself from the world of black & white to a colorful world of diversity, beauty and abundance.
Join me on our self healing journey to freedom, let us envision a world where everyone thrives!
Kyung Yi-O'Kelly
PS This picture was actually created by my 8 year old granddaughter, Berlin, inspired by the pictures of colorful trucks from Pakistan.

Prayer for the victims and families of Florida Tragedy
Posted on February 18, 2018 at 10:20 AM
Prayer for the victims and families of Florida tragedy
May all who are grieving find the deep love and compassion for themselves to heal and let go of their attachment and know that your loved ones who are lost in the tragedy are all ok in their energy and spirit, know that they are with you to guide your way to spread joy and compassion.
May all those who are blaming themselves or others for this tragedy, forgive themselves and others.
May love, joy and peace prevail on earth forever!

Prayer to end suffering on Earth
Posted on February 18, 2018 at 10:20 AM
Prayer to end suffering on earth
May those who are hungry find healthy food to eat
May those who are homeless find comfortable homes to live
May those who are lonely find their companions
May those who are hurt heal fast
May those who are sick recover their health
May those who are grieving let go of their attachment
May those who are in pain, anger, and fear heal themselves
May those who are discouraged recover their courage
May all find clarity, balance, focus, and confidence to live their passion with grace and ease
May love, joy, and peace prevail on earth forever.

Gift Exchange - sharing our passion, talents and abilities to the fullest
The idea of Gift Exchange came to me when I started envisioning a world where everyone thrives. Living in a world where everyone is leading a fulfilling life doing what they love, that is, sharing their passion, talents and abilities that they choose with the world and meet their needs and desires at the same time, and spreading joy & compassion in the process.
After our first gathering for the book launch, it became apparent that there are mixed understanding and interpretation of the word “gift” and that there is a need to clarify the meaning used in the "Gift Exchange" before moving forward with it.
According to the English dictionary, the word “gift”, has two or double meanings that is at the source of this confusion;
the first is where a gift is something, time or material, that is given without compensation, and
the other is where a gift is something you possess within yourself, your passion, talent or abilities that you love to do, be or create
In Korean, there exist two completely separate words to describe the two different meanings so there is no confusion there. The 선물 is to mean those goods or services that you give or receive for free while 재능 is the ability you have that you are good at or you enjoy doing, being or creating.
It is the second meaning that the word “gift” is used in Gift Exchange and Gift Exchange Circle. It's confusing in English because the term or phrase “Gift Exchange” is typically used as the first meaning. And here is another example to highlight the difference. When I was growing up, whenever someone gave us a gift, 선물, my mother always made sure that we repay them by giving them a gift in another form of similar monetary value so in that sense, for me, the 선물, the gift received for free is never free because it always creates that obligation to pay back. Whereas the 재능, the gift (passion, talent or ability) I share, I feel I deserve to receive the best that life offers and enjoy all that comes my way with gratitude, knowing that all my needs and desires are being met, and spreading joy & compassion in the process.
A Gift Exchange circle is a group coming together with intention to share our gifts, i.e., passion, talents and abilities and meet our needs and desires at the same time and spreading joy & compassion in the process. For some, they may not have specific needs or desires at a given time, and that is the desire in itself, i.e., desire to offer their gifts, talents and abilities without anything in return, it is one’s choice or decision, and not the rule or expectation of the group. As we express ourselves, through the circle, describing the details of our gifts (passion, talents and abilities) we choose to share with others (along with our needs & desires, if we choose to share it), we get to hold that space for each other for healing and creation, envisioning that which is being expressed through the circle.
Now the next item that needs clarification is "Gift card", the term used in "Gift card categories". The gift card is widely used today both in electronic form and plastic card form by retails stores and other businesses offering goods and services. The gift cards are generally purchased by the sender/giver of "gift" to give to the receiver as a present and the receiver can use it in exchange or payment for the goods and services offered by the business that issued them. For DSA, our intention is to allow individual members to be able to issue their own gift card for their gifts (passion, talents or abilities) that they choose to share with others while corporation members can bring the gift cards that they purchase from their employer to exchange with other members through DSA GiftXchange. You can be both members of DSA, individual and corporate, if you choose.
The Divine Spark Allies project is to create a mobile application using the latest technology that can provide the role of Gift Exchange Agent (GEA) that can capture what we specify as our needs & desires along with our gifts, talents and abilities we want to share with others, and provide us with the gift exchange option that we can accept or reject. Once accepted, the GEA is also to capture the feedback or review of the gift exchange results, and provide the complete record of transactions for periodic reporting and audit purpose for each participants.
The gift categories that is proposed to be used are given in Appendix-I of my book, Seven Holistic Practices for Harmonious Living, a Self-Healing Journey to Freedom, available in paperbacks and eBook on Amazon.com.
For more details on the next Gift Exchange Circle check out the webpage for the latest event.
And let us affirm: "I am sharing my gifts, talents and abilities to the fullest and living my dreams", So it is!
Kyung S. Yi-O'Kelly
Your Partner in Our Healing Journey

It's time ...
Posted on December 23, 2017 at 12:50 AM
It’s time …
It’s time to remember and acknowledge who we are and why we are here
It’s time to discover what we really want
It’s time to question all that we do, say, and think
It’s time to go deeper to see the original intentions in all that we do, say and think
It’s time to let go of all that is not serving us to love and heal in peace and harmony
It’s time to choose to be, do and have all that we desire
It’s time we had fun in fulfilling our dreams

Things are changing. It is going to get better!
Posted on October 7, 2017 at 5:25 PM
It's a beautiful autumn season in the northern hemisphere but it's been a tough period with so much going on in destruction by both nature and mankind, seeing so much of the opposite of light.
We need to bring the light of our divine spark. It is time to remind ourselves that things are changing, it is going to get better! There is a shift going on Earth and things are starting to improve. We need to spread the word of joy and compassion to create the reality we want; no war, no more violence, no need for competition because there is enough for all of us to live in abundance, with clean air, clean water, clean soil, clean energy and space for everyone where everyone thrives! Let us believe it, let us envision it, and let us expect it!
We don't need to prove anyone wrong, we just need to bring things together and allow it to happen!

It's a good day for healing today!
Posted on October 7, 2017 at 5:10PM
It’s a good day for healing today!
All that is arising within
yarning to be embraced
yarning to be dissolved
in the cosmic vibration of divine love that we are.
As we touch we heal,
As we smile, we caress,
As we breath, we create the waves of love
As we open our hearts, we transmit the power of love
As we listen, we embrace
As we let go, we reunite!

Why We Argue...
Posted on September 22, 2016 at 1:00 AM
It was International Peace Day yesterday, and while we observe through the news channels many of the not-so-peaceful events happening out there, most of which we do not have control over, we can still find peace within ourselves and between ourselves & those around us, especially our loved ones.
For many years, my husband and I used to argue a lot, we have very different taste, attitudes/beliefs and habits. As a result, we would disagree frequently and it used to often upset me until one day I saw in the mirror the reflection of another mirror I was holding in front of me, reflecting back and forth in an infinite loop. Then, a flash of insight came to me that it was our own tendency to judge and criticize is being reflected back on each other, in an infinite cycle! And as soon as I removed the mirror, i.e. as soon as I stopped my judgments & criticism of him judging me and criticizing me, we stopped arguing.
And as I created space by observing my own reactions, I noticed that I was the only one that was getting upset from these interactions and not my husband, and then the realization came to me that it was my own desperate need for him to agree with me and to support me that was making me upset, expecting him to be different, unable to accept his criticism for what it is. As soon as I became aware of this desperate need for him to be different within myself and able to heal it and release it, I was able to find harmony in my relationship with him.
We no longer argue any more, we simply agree to disagree, allowing each other to express our opinions and celebrate our differences!

Remembering 9/11
Posted on September 10, 2016 at 2:00 AM
It was a Tuesday morning, I remember. I would usually be away from home on client site during the week but that week I was home in Plano, Texas, scheduled to start a new project at a client in Houston the following week. I remember I was standing in the dining room where Seagan and I were working on putting up new wall papers. I don’t remember exactly who told us about the news but what I do recall vividly is feeling my heart sinking deeply and my throat & eyes filled with tears, shocked with horror & terror, totally numbed, seeing the news about the plane crashing into the World Trade Center. I did not know anyone who was there but it reminded me of the shock and the trauma I had gone through six months prior to that day and I felt the pain and sorrow for all those who would be going through the tragic loss of their loved ones because someone chose to react violently in revenge of something that they believed someone else had done to them or their loved ones.
On March 1st, 2001, my mother and my brother was found brutally murdered in their home in Desoto, Texas, by a group of young gangsters who came to hurt my brother. He had a history of drugs and alcohol problems and apparently had dealings with these gangsters that made them want to hurt him and my mother was there and they killed both of them. I saw then that it was two separate incidents in a huge different scale but the same human motive and the same resulting pain & sorrow experienced by those of us who are left behind here on Earth.
Then a flash of thoughts came to me, in the form of a realization or an insight that the world out there is a reflection of our inner world of all of us combined, and that inner peace is what we all need in order to create peace in our world.
Looking back now, 15 years later, it is the same realization that drives me to wake up every day to continue to work on maintaining inner peace for myself and sharing it with as many people as I possibly can. Namaste!

Who do you see? An old women or a young women?
Posted on September 10, 2016 at 2:00 AM
When you look at the picture above, what do you see? An old women, a young women, or both?
We see ourselves, others and the world around us based on our beliefs and from those beliefs we make assumptions and perceive ourselves, others and the world around us. Is it possible that we have a choice in the way we see ourselves, others and the world around us?
Is it possible that the world we are experiencing is an illusory reflection of our inner worlds combined?
If you find yourself often in conflict with your loved ones or people around you, or even yourself, if you find yourself seeing “what is wrong” with yourself, your loved ones or people around you more often than “what is right” with yourself, your loved ones or people around you,...
I understand this, I understand it because I used to think & feel that way too for most of my adult life. I questioned "why" in everything I was told to do and tried to make sense out of it all and experienced much frustration and anger from being intolerant of others and their ways....
And then it finally came home to me after being reminded of the possibility that each and every one of us are divine spiritual beings who have chosen to be born on Earth to experience a life of adventure and fun, and to experience joy of creation. Pain & sufferings are included as part of the creation process. But then we arrive here with no memory of whe we really are and there is a veil of forgetfulness. We forgot that it is a game that we had created; a polarity game with made up rules to experience the extreme opposites and all that comes in between;- good & evil, right & wrong, rich & poor, masculine & feminine, spiritual & physical, yin & yang...and all the other dualities you can think of, it is all part of the game on earth that we helped to create.
Well, there you are, I am passing it on to you! You have been reminded to remember the possibility of who you are and why you are here!
As divine sparks, our natural state of being is infinite, healing, loving, peaceful, creative and abundant and our individual realities are experienced according to the thought forms projected through our brains and through our actions, i.e. our words and deeds .
So then, what is in the way of experiencing our divine natural state of being?
Well, we can imagine, as divine sparks living in a human body, we all have some basic needs;
we have physical needs - food, water, air, rest, shelter, touch, and sexual expression, protection from life threatening forms of life: viruses, bacteria, insects & predatory animals
emotional & mental needs - play, challenge, fun, choosing dreams/goals/values & plans for fulfilling one’s dreams/goals/values, celebrating life, mourning loss, finding meaning, self-worth, authenticity, creative expression, acceptance, appreciation, closeness, community, consideration, contribution to the enrichment of life, openness, empathy, honesty, love, respect, support, reassurance, trust, understanding
and we have spiritual needs - beauty, harmony, inspiration, order & peace.
And there are some basic feelings that we all experience depending on whether our needs are fulfilled or not.
We feel good when our needs are met - Comfortable, Thankful, Confident, Eager, Energetic, Fulfilled, Glad, Hopeful, Inspired, Intrigued, Joyous, Moved, Optimistic, Proud, Relieved, Stimulated, Surprised, Amazed, Touched, Supported
but we don’t feel so good when they are not - Concerned, Disappointed, Embarrassed, Lonely, Puzzled, Reluctant, Sad, Uncomfortable, Unsupported.
And like any thoughts & feelings, these feelings are temporary in nature, if we choose to let them go. However, when we choose to keep them, we tend to create more of them. Thus, harboring negative thoughts & feelings invites more negative thoughts & feelings and it tends to trigger negative actions that we invariably regret later.
But when we are deprived of our needs through trauma or abrupt changes in our lives, like sudden loss of our loved ones, unexpected job loss or breakup in our relationships, we may feel much stronger feelings that may be expressed in words here; Abandoned, Discouraged, Distressed, Humiliated, Hurt, Inadequate, lost, Rejected, Upset, Grief, Sorrow, Vulnerable, Terror, Horror, Shock, Unworthy, Worthlessness, Shame, Guilt.
At this point, unless we can train our mind & body to heal and let go of these intense and desperate thoughts and feelings and forgive the perpetrator, they can end up being trapped in our memory and drive us to live in fear, in anticipation of our needs being deprived for the rest of our lives. And these fears may well arouse even stronger feelings than the original feelings triggered from the initial deprivation event; Anger, Aggression, Anxiety, Worry, Confusion, Defensiveness, Desperation, Doubt, Depression, Distrust, Dread, Frustration, Helplessness, Hopelessness, Impatience, Insecurity, Jealousy, Nervousness, Overwhelmed, Panic, Pessimism, Timidity.
Furthermore, when we are unable to forgive and continue to harbor these negative thoughts & feelings, they tend to generate more desperate needs that trigger even more and stronger feelings following the initial deprivation event, creating a spiral effect of negative thoughts & emotions that may end up causing health challenges and/or violence in many cases. In my experience, I found that at the root of these strong feelings are some desperate needs triggered by fear; a desperate need to control others - being intolerant of others and wanting them to change, a desperate need for revenge, a desperate need to condemn, blame and punish the perpetrator, and a desperate need to win at any cost. So until we can heal and release these negative thought patterns & emotions, our inner peace will remain unattainable. It has also been my experience that these thought patterns and trapped emotions get passed down from one generation to the next as well as passed between close family members.
When we have attained our inner peace by healing all that is not at ease within ourselves, we have attained our wholeness where we are physically energized, mentally focused, emotionally connected and spiritually aligned. And as we feel our wholeness, we are able to recognize the guidance offered by Divine Spirit in choosing our actions to realize our dreams.
So then, is it possible that our healing journey is simply remembering who we are, restoring our inner light, our divine spark and expanding & growing that light to heal that part of ourselves that is not at ease? And at the same time holding that space for others to do the same? Is it possible when we can let go of those thoughts and feelings that are in the way of the divine natural state of being, we are able choose to experience adventure and fun in realizing our dreams? Perhaps, it may well be possible to choose to create and experience Heaven here on Earth right now!